
Friday, January 11, 2013

Weekly Blog Roundup: 1/11/2013

Before you get ready for the weekend, delve into these great reads first!
Aw phooey. I can't concentrate anymore, so please go out and have a great weekend!


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  2. I'm with you on that list of Worst 60s Films - great article though. Thanks for flagging up.

  3. The article about Japan in 1964 is something I've been waiting 15 years to read!

    If anyone is interested in the Japanese garage rock scene of the mid-60s, called "Group Sounds," I would encourage anyone to YouTube the bands: The Spiders, The Tigers, The Carnabeats and The Youngers. The CDs "G.S I Love You" and "G.S. I Love You Too" are also great American CD compilations of this stuff. It's an interesting parallel world.

  4. Thank you for the shout out Mod Male!

    <3 Ahoy hoy!
