
Friday, August 3, 2012

Sharp Stylings #51: Steve McQueen

Before we begin with this week's post, don't forget to enter the Mod Male drawing I posted about last week for a chance to win 'The Perfectly Dressed Gentleman' by Robert O'Byrn and Lord Dunsby! For full details, visit the Mod Male blog post, The Mod Male Blog Is One Year Old TodayBut for the short version, all you have to do is one of two things:
  1. Become a follower of this blog, if you're not already, and leave a comment on the blog telling me how you got into the Mod thing OR how you got into whatever it is you're obsessed with (i.e., goth music, a baseball team, your favorite author). Doesn't have to be Mod-related. Or,
  2. 'Like' the MOD MALE Facebook page and leave a comment on the page, telling me how you got into the Mod thing OR how you got into whatever it is you're obsessed with (i.e., goth music, a baseball team, your favorite author). Doesn't have to be Mod-related.
Contest ends August 9th, at 6:00pm PST! Good luck!

Now, let's move on with this week's post...

We can learn so much from yesterday’s fashion icons.  And living in a post-Mad Men world means we can even enjoy aspects of current male fashions! Every Friday, I’d like to start your weekend off right with a little style inspiration from either then or now. Hopefully, my fellow Mod enthusiasts will find the whole or some detail of the whole to appreciate and maybe even adopt. 

Recently, the Parka Avenue blog ran a post on double-breasted suits, so in honor of that, here's a snappy shot of Steve McQueen, rockin' the DB with his wife, Neile Adams:
McQueen's double-breasted jacket has a nice 3-button front with the bottom button, unbuttoned. Peaked labels, seen on this jacket, do look best on double-breasted jackets. Really adds a nice angle coming off the top far left (or is that right?) button. A nice dark pocket square, dark tie, and white shirt just add to the overall classic look Steve McQueen is sporting here.

The only thing I can't really get behind are McQueen's shoes. Maybe they're obscured by the grass, but am I the only one that thinks they're a tad too bulky?

I'm traveling for work this week so don't have a lot more to add today. Just take a moment to dig on a well-done double-breasted suit. Then, take another moment to dig on his wife's even better get-up, down to her go-go boots! Yowza!


  1. Thanks for the acknowledgment my good man.

  2. Just for the record, Steve loathed high fashion. His fashionable photo sets are linked purely to studio press kit and marketing pieces and he would never wear anything this flashy in public on his own accord. I dig this suit, but its important to represent these legends as they were instead of linking them to a subculture they never participated in, even hated.

    1. Nope, I've no doubt that Steve McQueen disliked high fashion, but remember, these Sharp Styling posts are just meant to admire good style when it's worn. You don't have to be Mod or anything to appreciate it, but I'm hoping some Mods (or fellows into good style in general) take some inspiration from these shots.

      A person can dress like a slob most of the time, but if there's a shot of that same person looking decked out slick, Mod or not, I'll try to feature it!
