
Thursday, August 9, 2012

Mod Gone Wrong: A Study in Wrong Supplemental

Y'know, I just didn't feel right committing an entire post to picking apart Fred Eagle's photo in that last post. I was worried that others might pile on with negative comments, but luckily, the Facebook comments showed that people appreciated Fred's sportsmanship above all else.

Well, if I'm going to get down on Fred Eagle's photo, it's only fair I offer up a personal photo for balance. Here's one that goes beyond Mod Gone Wrong. And yes, this was probably how I dressed at age 18.



  1. I dressed like that at 11 , think everyone dressed like the lad on the right back then .The Harold steptoe look didn't hit yorkshire though.

    1. Haha! Lee... that Harold Steptoe look that my friend is wearing is actually him making fun of the way I was dressing then! Granted, I still like the scarf and jacket look, but I'll have to go through old Stepoe DVDs to make sure I'm avoiding it enough.

  2. Im a Mod through & through but one has to keep changing that is what Mod is all about ..I dont dress like I was 18..Im now 57 I like to think I am always sharp & cool & always looking for something different to scooter isnt done up like a christmas tree...just tastefull ...I luv 60s fashion & styling & well...once a Mod always a Mod.

    1. Rogzodiac, you hit spot on on my own personal philosophy! I'm quite a bit younger than you, but your attitude is the type I hope to still hold on to when I'm your age.

      For me, it has always been about improving with age, combining the old/vintage with the new and remaining tasteful. I'm also not big into Christmas tree scooters... why cover up a beautiful bike with so many accessories?

      Keep on inspiring others!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. The best thing in that photo is the girl in the background who looks like Velma :)

    1. Haha! Great eye, Agent 21! Her costume ruled most that evening, I think!

  5. Just curious what folks think about mods 40+ yrs of age still wearing army parkas...

    1. JJ, I think people are burnt out on hearing my views on the parka. But, since you asked...

      I think by that point in life, it's high time they've moved on to overcoats and macs. There are some beautiful ones out there, vintage or new. White macs, patterned coats, etc.

      As iconic as the parka is, it only really had one purpose: an 'inexpensive' piece to protect your clothes while riding or working on your scooter. As an item of clothing, though, it's not very sharp. More grubby, actually. I'd rather cover up in something nice!
