
Monday, October 17, 2011

Quadrophenia Commercial Spoof

Y'know, living in the U.S., it's hard to appreciate just how much Mod culture has infiltrated the public consciousness in the U.K. I once thought that Mods had fallen beneath the radar, even out there, but this commercial proves me wrong.

I find it pretty funny, myself, but I'm curious as to what the thoughts were when this first aired. Are Mods in the U.K. pretty much a common, well-known culture to be spoofed like this much like Haight-Ashbury hippies would be in the U.S.? Is Quadrophenia as well-known in the U.K. as, say, Saturday Night Fever is out here?

Also, what are YOUR thoughts on the above video?


  1. Well, in the UK, Mod eventually became a mainstream youth movement, although of course many claim that by that point, it was no longer truly Mod. I seem to remember reading about some survey (several years ago) in which something over 20% of UK residents claimed to have been a Mod at some point in their lives. In the U.S. I doubt it would be even .02%.

  2. I would say everyone in the UK at this point knows what a Mod is or at least a vague understanding of the references. Think Punk or a Hells Angel - or hippies as you've mentioned - for us.I'm guessing less of this knowledge is from seeing or being involved with Mods but instead the constant media-reference to 'em through the decades.

    The interesting thing about Mod references is how are they used? Punk always represents the angry youth; Hippy, the druggy free-thinker; Hell's Angels, Mr. aggro. But when do you use the Mod stereotype? I guess when you need a reflection of fashionista cool.

  3. HILAROUS!!! OMG that just KILLS me!! And yes, EVERYONE in the UK knows what mod is, absolutely. It is part of their history! The musical selection cracks me up too.

  4. ALSO - am I imagining things or is that WENDY RICHARDS with the sandwiches? (aka the Goddess called Miss Brahms in Are You Being Served?)

  5. Though I am a bit late commenting here, I'll do so anyway.

    From the experiences I have had being a Mod (I got into it when I was around 16, so four years ago now) it seems to be older people that pick up on it. When I wore a suit to college, people just didn't understand why, bar my friends.

    I think that Mod is something that, over here at least, is becoming less recognisable by a lot of younger people. The scene has been given a boost of sorts, by a lot of those who were Mods during the Revival going back to their roots, so to speak. However, as you saw in the Sun article you posted earlier in the year, most younger people don't have a clue what it is really all about. The stereotypes still prevail.

    As a side note, I used to get compared to Mark Ronson as I walked through town. I've yet to work out the link between him and Mod.

  6. I will add that there are those who get it right and those who get it wrong, as with everywhere.

    I have met people from both extremes, and those who get it right are an inspiration.

  7. Hey Ricky, thanks for writing in!

    It's interesting that you see younger people not recognizing it as much. Out here, on the West Coast of the U.S., it seems more people are 'in the know'. When I was younger, every once in a while, you'd get some smart-alec who'd walk about and sing a line from 'The Real Me.' Now, more people try to name-drop bands like The Creation or what have you. I think it's a part of teh 'hipsterism' of subcultures (and availability of online information).

    And take the Mark R. comparison in stride. After all, he hooked up the Dap-Kings with Amy Winhouse!
